
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou
"Nourishing and Flourishing with Delight"
Mural by Eric Ricks
Washington, DC
about me
Keeping your story inside you without expressing it can be an exhaustive challenge. For years my work involved sharing others' narratives—as a broadcast news journalist, then as a scriptwriter and producer for television networks. While the work was rewarding and important, I met amazing people and even won a few awards along the way, I needed to reveal my own untold stories. Today my short stories, flash fiction, and poems have appeared or are forthcoming in literary journals, magazines, an anthology and various online publications. I've written a few middle and young adult novels and in June 2022 had the exciting experience of signing with a literary agent. One thing I've learned on this journey is no matter your medium—words, photographs, or city murals—let your stories come to light. Believe in your voice and the rest will follow.